What are some features of Pandas in Python that you like or dislike?

In this article, we will look at some of the features of pandas that people like and dislike Pandas Pandas is a Python data analysis library. Wes McKinney founded pandas in 2008 out of a need for a robust and versatile quantitative analysis tool, and it h...

In this article, we will look at some of the features of pandas that people like and dislike


Pandas is a Python data analysis library. Wes McKinney founded pandas in 2008 out of a need for a robust and versatile quantitative analysis tool, and it has grown to become one of the most used Python libraries. It has a very active contributor community.

Pandas is built on the foundations of two essential Python libraries: matplotlib for data visualization and NumPy for mathematical calculations. Pandas function as a wrapper around these libraries, allowing you to use fewer lines of code to access various matplotlib and NumPy methods. Pandas'.plot(), for example, integrates numerous matplotlib methods into a single method, allowing you to plot a chart in only a few lines.

Liked Features

The following are some of the most useful features that many people will like −

Handling of data

The Pandas library makes data management and exploration extremely fast and efficient. It accomplishes this by providing us with Series and DataFrames, which allow us to not only efficiently represent data but also modify it in numerous ways. Pandas' qualities are exactly what makes it such an appealing library for data scientists.

Handling of missing data

Data is frequently complex and difficult to understand. But that's just the start. The unprocessed form of data causes numerous issues, one of which is the presence of missing numbers and data. It is critical to appropriately handle all missing values, as they h**e the potential to contaminate the final outcomes of our study.

Pandas h**e missing data handling built into its library, and some of its features will help you with this.

Alignment and indexing

Data is meaningless if we don't know where it belongs or what it tells us. As a result, data labeling is quite important. Another crucial component is the organization, without which data cannot be interpreted. These are the two requirements: Pandas' clever methods of alignment and indexing take care of data organization and labeling correctly.

Tools for input and output

Pandas include a wide range of built-in tools to assist you in reading and writing data. To understand your data, you will need to write it into databases, data structures, online services, and so on, as well as read it from these sources. The Pandas' built-in tools h**e made these jobs simple.

Cleaning up data

Data, as previously said, can be very crude. As a result, it is extremely messy, to the point where executing any analysis on such data would yield disastrous results. As a result, it is critical that we clean up our data, and Pandas makes this simple. They greatly assist in not just cleaning up the code but also cleaning up the data so that even the layperson can interpret sections of it. The better the result, the cleaner the data.

Multiple file formats supported

Data may now be found in so many different file formats that it is critical that libraries used for data analysis can read them all. Pandas dominate this market due to its extensive file format support. Pandas can handle both JSON and CSV files, as well as Excel and HDF5. This is one of the most enticing Python Pandas characteristics.

Multiple features for Time Series

If you are a newbie, this feature may not make total sense to you right now, but you will appreciate it in the future. These features also include frequency conversion and moving window statistics

Merging and joining of datasets

When studying data, we must constantly merge and connect multiple datasets to get a final dataset that can be adequately analyzed. This is significant because if the datasets are not properly merged or linked, the results would suffer, which we do not want. Pandascan assist us in merging diverse datasets with extraordinary efficiency, ensuring that we do not encounter any issues while studying the data.

Optimized performance

Pandas are said to h**e extremely optimized performance, making it extremely fast and suitable for data science. Pandas' critical code is written in C or Cython, which makes it extremely responsive and fast.

Python support

This feature just eliminates Pandas' opponents. Python, with an almost unbelievable number of strong libraries at its disposal, has quickly become one of the most popular programming languages among data scientists.

Pandas can be included in Python and provide access to other useful libraries such as MatPlotLib and NumPy.

Grouping of data

It is necessary to be able to group your data after separating it according to your requirements.

Pandas h**e a number of features, one of which is GroupBy, which allows you to divide data into specific categories based on the criteria you specify. This function divides the data and applies the given function to it. It then combines the outcomes.

Visualization of data

Data visualization is an important aspect of data science. It is what makes the study's findings visible to human eyes. Pandas h**e an in-built capability to assist you in plotting your data and viewing the various types of graphs created. Most people would not understand data analysis without visuals.

Disliked Features

The following are some of the most useful features that many people will like −

Poor compatibility for 3D matrices

It is one of the most serious disadvantages of Pandas. Pandas are a godsend if you want to work with two-dimensional or 2D matrices. When it comes to 3D matrices, though, Pandas will no longer be your first choice, and you will h**e to resort to NumPy or another library.

Complex Syntax

Pandas, as a Python module, can be extremely tedious in terms of syntax. When comparing Pandas code to Python code, the syntax becomes very different, and people may h**e difficulty switching back and forth.

Steep learning curve

The learning curve for pandas is really steep. While it may appear to be simple to use and n**igate at first, this is only the top of the iceberg.

As you go and dive deeper into the pandas framework, you may find it difficult to understand how the library works. However, if you h**e enough dedication and adequate resources, you can easily overcome this problem.

Poor documentation

It is tough to learn a new library without sufficient documentation. The Pandas documentation isn't much assistance in understanding the library's more difficult functions. As a result, the learning process is slowed.


In this article, we learned about some of the characteristics of pandas that most people like, as well as some of the characteristics of pandas that people dislike.


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