ES6+ 可选链操作符

1. 前言 在 ES5 中对于安全地访问对象的深嵌套属性时,首先检查它的上一个属性是否存在,然后才能获取属性的值,否则就会报错: var obj = {} console.log(obj.a) // undefined console.log(obj.a.b) // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'b' of undefined 上面的代

What is the use of update command in SQL?

Update command is a data manipulation command which is used to edit the records of a table. It may be used to update a single row based on a condition, all rows or set of rows based on the condition given by the user. It is used along with the SET clause,

What are various Inheritance mapping strategies available in Hibernate?
What are various Inheritance mapping strategies available in Hibernate?

There are three types of inheritance mapping strategies − Table per class hierarchy Table per

ES6+ Number 对象的方法

1. 前言 本节主要讲解 Number 对象下剩余的方法,Number 对象把之前在全局上的方法移植了过来,并对有缺陷的方法进行了补充和修复,上节我们已经学习了全局下的 isFinite() 和 isNaN() 两种方法存在类型转换,对于判断数值来说存在歧义。下面我们来看看,ES6 中移植的没有变的

ES6+ 数值扩展

1. 前言 ES6 对数值进行了大的改版,在向下兼容的同时,把所有的数值方法由全局移植到了 Number 对象下,在数组和字符串中也做了类似的操作,这样的主要目的是精简全局方法,更加明确的表达方法的含义。另外,ES6 还增加了二进制和八进制的表示方法,并增加了很多数值处理的方

Python tips that could make coders' lives more productive?

In this article, we will learn about some of the Python tips that could make our coders' lives more productive, easier, and happier. Use Try and Except Statements Another lack of utility We see in main conditions is the use of try and except statements, w

Why is Python such a common beginner's language?

In this article, we will learn Why is Python such a common beginner's language. The following are the various reasons for it. Why is Python a better first language for beginners? There are other excellent programming languages **ailable, but Python is one

MySQL 索引详细解读

索引是数据库中用来提高性能的常用工具。本节主要介绍 MySQL 索引的概念,及其优点。 1.索引概念 索引在 MySQL 中也叫“键(Key)”,是存储引擎用于快速查找记录的一种数据结构,这也是索引的基本功能。 MySQL 索引的工作原理,类似一本书的目录,如果要在一本书中

MySQL 逻辑架构

从整体架构切入MySQL的学习,可以对 MySQL 有一个整体的把握,鸟瞰全貌,不至于一下陷入细节里边, 对于以后深入理解 MySQL 也是有很大帮助的。本文通过讲解一条查询语句在 MySQL 内部的执行过程,让您对 MySQL 逻辑架构有更深的了解。 1. 逻辑架构组成 上方是 MySQL 逻辑架构

Top Python Machine Learning Libraries
Top Python Machine Learning Libraries

Introduction As the name implies, machine learning is the practice of creating computer algorithms t


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